Resilience is the ability to bounce back from hardship, to recover quickly from challenging situations, and to continue to adapt and move forward. Being resilient means that you possess the mindset and skills to...
“Juneteenth has never been a celebration of victory or an acceptance of the way things are. It’s a celebration of progress. It’s an affirmation that despite the most painful parts of our history, change...
This month, on the second Monday – HOCC returns to in-person programming since we temporally held our in-person programming following our annual March 9th 2020 National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). In...
The Belynda Dunn award means so much to us, as it represents the essence of activism, of women living with and at risk for HIV standing up for themselves and each other, which is...
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Since 2005, March 10th is dedicated to the annual observance of the National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) with the “goal to raise awareness” about...
Since 1963, February has been celebrated as American Heart Month to urge Americans to join the battle against heart disease. Since 2004, February also has been the signature month for the American Heart Association’s...
Yesterday, the CDC (12.6.2021) reported that they are working closely with state and local public health officials to monitor the spread of Omicron. Vaccines remain the best public health measure to protect people from...
Hearing Loss and Over the Counter Hearing Aids: About 38 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss, yet fewer than 20% of those who would benefit from hearing aids, have them. Unfortunately Medicare...
World AIDS Day 2021 This year marks 41 years since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the United States, a pandemic that has led to nearly 700,000 lives lost and still...
COVID-19 Vaccination Booster Shots now available for certain previously vaccinated people, plus vaccinations for children should be available in early November, 2021. Your initial COVID-19 vaccination offers strong protection against the virus. But for certain...