December First – World AIDS Day – Since 1988
40/40 A time to reflect, a time to honor, and a time to celebrate! 2020 marks 40 years since the first AIDS cases were reported in the United States, beginning an epidemic that...
40/40 A time to reflect, a time to honor, and a time to celebrate! 2020 marks 40 years since the first AIDS cases were reported in the United States, beginning an epidemic that...
It is a time to reflect and be grateful! Tomorrow HOCC will be celebrating our annual Reflection and Gratitude program with HOCC on the Go. We may not be in-person, but I know...
Don’t forget to HOCC the Vote! This reminder is one of HOCC’s oldest traditions to support your right to vote Just three more days to vote! If you have any questions follow the link...
We Want You to Know Getting a flu vaccine during 2020-2021 is more important than ever because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. When you get vaccinated, you reduce your risk of getting sick with...
Important notice: As you know, HOCC is all about health and wellness and monthly we could have 80-100 women join our monthly program. In light of HOCC’s size coupled with the continued uncertainty in reopening...
Important notice: As you know, HOCC is all about health and wellness. In light of the uncertainty in reopening our communities and businesses in Boston, we have proactively decided to cancel all in-person July...
Just three hours ago, Governor Baker announced that Phase II of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan will begin on June 8th. Businesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase II are subject to compliance...
On Friday, Governor Charlie Baker said he’ll issue an order on Monday, June 1, to proceed to the second phase of his economic reopening plan. This second phase includes retail stores, restaurants, and nail...
We want you to know: statewide mandatory face covering requirement now in effect! All residents over the age of two to use a face covering or mask in public places where maintaining proper social...
A simple recipe from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension(DASH) eating plan. The DASH plan is a new way of eating—for a lifetime. It features plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other foods...