Developing a wellness plan of action is geared toward the achievement of making a positive change toward optimal overall well-being. A wellness plan is personal, developed and tailored by you, and implemented on your timeframe when you are ready!
Basically, a wellness plan is a set of activities and goals that you can use to improve your health and well-being. Wellness plans can include activities and goals for different dimensions of wellness, such as physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health.
HOCC Programming for 2025 is focusing on empowering women’s wellness plans.
Some examples of wellness activities, goals, and programs include:
Getting an annual physical:
HOCC’s Oral Health = Overall Health in January will start the conversation along with our January Zoom program: “Empowering Women to Engage in Health Care”, and in May we will again have our annual “Health Fair” and focus on raising awarness about the “National Women’s Health Week”. Also, in March for the “National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awarness Day” and December for World AIDS Day, HOCC will focus on all women living with, affected by, and at risk for HIV including prevention, treatment, and future treatment options.
Exercise each day at least 30 minutes by intentionally incorporating activities like walking, aerobics, and/or balance & strength training exercises.
Each month HOCC will continue to offer a Zoom Program on “Mindful Movement” In addition, our annual “Matters of the Heart” program in February will promote the value of exercising and will provide a bag of resistance bands which will be added to the “Mindful Movement” monthly Zoom meetings to help build strength.
Learning a new skill each month:
In both April and August HOCC will be focusing on healthy eating and meal choices to build and improve nutritious, balanced meals to help you improve your daily diet. Also in September, we will learn new ideas to support Brain Health and wellness.
Reading a book or intentionally hearing about something new each month:
For HOCC’s April program, Dr. Beth Frates, author of “Paving Your Pathway to Wellness” will share her work and health and wellness planning for the HOCC women. We are also planning to raise awarness about “Heart Health” in February and “Breast Cancer” in October.
Setting aside time for prayer or meditation:
HOCC’s annual “Reflection and Gratitude” in November along with monthly “Mindfulness Wellness” Zoom programs throughout the year will support this important goal.
Building healthy relationships:
Each year HOCC has an annual program related to intimate partner relationships in July. Also this year in February during our “Matters of the Heart” theme we will be hosting a Zoom program on “Building Healthy Relationships”
Creating boundaries that encourage communication and trust:
Many of HOCC’s programs are designed to improve communication with health care providers (January & April), intimate partners (February & July) , friends and family (March and December). This year our zoom program “Self -Care, Lifestyle Balance, & Resiliency” in June as well as two “Mental Health” Zoom programs in March and September will be our starting point to build up each women’s sense of self as a priority. Good mental health helps people make healthy choices, reach personal goals, develop healthy relationships, and cope with stress.
When setting wellness goals, begin with something you would like to improve, change, or strengthen. Be S.M.A.R.T. . Make sure it is: Specific such as stop smoking, eating a healthy diet, getting more physical activity, keeping your doctor’s appointments, or improving disclosing your HIV status to others; Measurable and/or Meaningful to you—something you value, believe in and know when you arrive to your goal; Attainable and or adjustable as needed for something that is possible with or without help) and manageable; Realistic meaning your goal is within your physical limitations, interests, and capabilities; and Timely implying you are ready now and/or soon to begin the process of change.
Starting Point:
Ask yourself these questions and then jot down your answers.
1) What do I want to accomplish?
2) Why is it important to me?
3) How can I do it?
4) Where will I do it?
5) When will I do it?
6) Who can help me?
Go to your calendar: 1) choose a date to start, 2) fill in your monthly goals to support what you want to accomplish, and 3) keep notes to help you maintain your desired wellness plan throughout the year.
For More Information:
“Wellness Program”: https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/wellness-programs/
“How to Create a Wellness Plan”: https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/wellness-programs/