*Domestic violence (also called intimate partner abuse) is a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors where one partner in an intimate relationship controls another through the use of force, intimidation and the threat of violence.
*What it might look like*
By anyone you are in a relationship with (does not have to be a partner)
Might also be happening to someone you love (a grandchild, etc)
Can be done by someone you love (your own child, your friend, etc)
Does NOT have to be physical (it can be emotional, psychological… and that can be just as difficult- if not more difficult….)
A person using abusive behavior will use anything possible that makes their partner feel more vulnerable
HIV status
Immigration status
Gender identity
Relationships with friends and family and many more…
Something that can happen to anyone no matter what age…
Being abusive is a choice.
*What it isn’t*
Losing control
Because of stress
Because of drugs or alcohol
Because of childhood abuse and/or current trauma
Because of mental health issues
All of these can co-exist with domestic violence, but they do not cause a person to be abusive…
*Some resources to know about*
Develop an escape plan in case violence escalates (“worst case scenario”)
Identify “safe” people for support
Learn about legal rights and remedies
Identify local resources
Keep bag packed with important documents, etc. in safe place
Option of filling out a safety planning worksheet
*you NEVER have to take any action or DO anything to work with a domestic violence program. The choice is always yours about what you feel ready to do. You deserve non- judgmental support regardless of whatever decisions you make.*
We will talk about all of this and much more during our Annual Program on July 8th!
Come to learn and share your wisdom with fellow HOCC women!