We Want You to Know… What is considered healthy eating.
First, healthy eating emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. It also includes a variety of protein foods such as seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), soy products, nuts, and seeds. Second, healthy eating should focus on adding an array of colors to your plate maybe thinking of it as eating the rainbow with dark, leafy greens, oranges, and tomatoes—even fresh herbs which are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Third, healthy eating needs to be low in added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.
We also recognize our fourth aspect of healthy eating is getting enough water every day. The National Academy of Medicine suggests an adequate intake of daily fluids about 9 cups (1 cup equaling 8 ounces) for healthy women and with higher amounts for those who are physically active or exposed to very warm climates. The value of drinking water as part of eating healthy is significant. Drinking water prevents dehydration, a condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones. Drinking water also helps women living with HIV to help reduce the side effects of their medications, help with the absorption of antiretroviral medicines, and their general health. Water has no calories, so it can also help with managing body weight and reducing calorie intake when substituted for drinks with calories, such as sweet tea or regular soda. The bottom-line is drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.
Switching to healthy eating doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition, nor does it have to cost an unreasonable amount of money to eat healthy. Think of eating healthy as a number of small, manageable steps—like adding a salad to your diet once a day. Let this process unfold naturally and mindfully. To help reduce additional costs to eating healthy find SNAP savings in your area and discover new ways to prepare budget-friendly foods in Shop Simple with MyPlate. Also, MyPlate can help you make healthy choices within your budget https://www.myplate.gov/app/shopsimple?utm_campaign=desktop-redirect&utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=shop-simple
Good food is one of life’s great joys and good meals are often a shared pleasure between friends and family. On HOCC’s webpage “Living Strong Healthy Recipe Collection” https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/index.html we provide some heart and life healthy recipes that you can try at home and share with your friends and family with a special heart and life healthy meal!
HOCC will be continuing this conversation about eating healthy over the next month at our HOCC April 8th in-person luncheon, “Mediterranean Diet: Making Healthy Choices” and April 12th zoom program “Continuing the Conversation: Taking Action by Eating Well”
Please see below for more information about healthy eating.
Additional Resources:
Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/index.html
Shop Simple with MyPlate https://www.myplate.gov/app/shopsimple/desktop
Are you making every bite count? – https://www.myplate.gov/
Take the MyPlate Quiz to find out! https://www.myplate.gov/form/myplate-quiz#question_1
HOCC’s Living Strong Healthy Recipe Collection https://hoccprograms.org/living-strong-healthy-recipe-collection/
How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day? https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-water-should-you-drink-per-day
Water and Healthier Drinks – Benefits of Drinking Water https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/water-and-healthier-drinks.html
7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-health-benefits-of-water