World AIDS Day 2021
This year marks 41 years since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the United States, a pandemic that has led to nearly 700,000 lives lost and still no cure four decades later. The AIDS epidemic, caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), was first noticed after doctors discovered specific health conditions with gay men in Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco – and as you know, women and their children were also deeply affected. Initially, most who became infected with the HIV virus died: children born with HIV during the 1980s were likely to die within a few years from birth.
On December 1, since 1988, we observe World AIDS Day (WAD), the first ever global health day. WAD creates an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. In 1991, the symbol of the red ribbon was designed to demonstrate compassion for people living with HIV: HOCC has included in your teal mailer your own red ribbon as a way to proudly support our community of women living with HIV.
Today, almost two years in, our nation (and the world) has faced another pandemic – Covid-19 – with horrific loss of life with nearly 750,00 Americans (and nearly 1,500 from Massachusetts) who have died from COVID-19 since the coronavirus outbreak began. Many people are drawing similarities to the early days of the AIDS epidemic and COVID-19; and in many ways they are similar except for the continuation HIV related stigma which still remains for those living with HIV. Many of our HOCC pioneers; women living with HIV, are now reliving the early days of the AIDS epidemic with devasting losses, fear and isolation from friends and family; distrust with evolving treatments; and even travel restrictions. These early days of the AIDS epidemic like the COVID pandemic were and are scary and dark. The light at the end of tunnel occurred in the AIDS epidemic where people died from the lack of successful treatment to now living with HIV successfully. Today, COVID-19 also has had stunning losses but we have hope having learned from the AIDS epidemic that now can shed some light at the end of this new tunnel with the support of experienced doctors from the AIDS epidemic and other scientist who are safely moving this COVID pandemic forward towards treatment and vaccines.