The term “Mediterranean diet” can be used to describe the eating pattern of the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The health benefits of a Mediterranean eating pattern date back to the 1950s with the...
We Want You to Know… What is considered healthy eating. First, healthy eating emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. It also includes a variety of protein foods...
Balance is the ability to distribute your weight in a way that lets you stand or move without falling, or recover if you trip. Good balance requires the coordination of several parts of the...
March 10th this year marks the 18th anniversary of the National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). Launched 25 years after the start of the AIDS epidemic by the U.S Department of Health...
This is vital to understand for many of these women are of childbearing age. In fact, every year, approximately 5,000 women with HIV give birth in the United States. In addition to primary prevention...
We Want You To Know… heart disease kills more women than ALL CANCERS Combined. Women with HIV are 3 TIMES MORE LIKELY to have a heart attack than women without HIV? Women have different...